This Big BnB Binder has a total of 200 cards and comes with the 3-ring binder and the card protector sheets!
Your ~175 glitter sample cards feature glitters ranging from ultrafine to chunky mixes and exclusive blends!
The shapes found in this binder are all the glitter shapes (and a few shape mixes) BnB has brought to the glitter world, along with the most popular exclusive dot mixes!
You can find individual glitter sample cards in our shop! We are constantly making new cards and will be able to offer a sample card for every glitter found at BnB by the end of 2022!
Each card can be removed to easily build color palettes and compare side-by-side with other glitter options.
These binders are easy to store and allow for ease of travel if you have vendor events or meet up with customers locally!
You can find additional sheet protectors for the cards sized for the binders here under BINDER ESSENTIALS:
Join That Glitter Group on Facebook to see which cards are already available and request cards you want to see!
But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.
Oct 6, 2022
This sample card binder is amazing! What an innovative way of being able to showcase glitter color samples to customers! It's also very informative!
Jul 16, 2022